Why M1 Engineering
Why m1 Engineering
Specialist Cryogenic Manufacturer
We are a specialist cryogenic manufacturer. This means we are focused primarily on the manufacture and supply of cryogenic distribution equipment, including Cryogenic semi-trailers, Microbulk Rigid Units and Tank Containers.
Our aim is to manufacture products that carry the highest payloads in the market.
We are passionate about providing our customers with excellent value and a great experience. Much of our expansion over the years has come from our customers recommending us to their colleagues and contacts. They have found that we are very focused on using our expertise to lower the total costs of distribution.
We are keen to develop close working relationships with our customers and produce products that not only meet their specific requirements, but also their underlying needs as well. This includes making sure it is easy doing business with us, continuously innovating in everything we do and being proactive in supporting our customers.
M1 Engineering is a long established, stable company that has been in business for over 45 years. We are proud of the loyalty that we are shown by both our customers and employees ( see Our People and Culture ) . This translates into long-term stable relationships between our working teams.
Furthermore, we are an independent privately owned company. This means we will treat your business with great care and you can trust us to give you the best advice possible. We plan to remain that way.