Liquid Hydrogen Distribution Equipment – Servicing and Maintenance Stepped Up

Liquid Hydrogen Distribution Equipment – Servicing and Maintenance Stepped Up

M1 Engineering has stepped up its repair and testing services in response to the need for Liquid Hydrogen Vessels requiring periodic testing and maintenance. The move builds on M1 Engineering’s almost 50 years’ experience in the manufacture, repair, and full refurbishment of cryogenic vessels from small rigid units through to semi-trailers and ISO Containers.

The company’s expertise in helium leak detection and vacuum maintenance ensures the Liquid Hydrogen Vessels are provided with the highest level of safety testing during the periodic examination and certification process.

Liquid Hydrogen 40ft ISO Container undergoing periodic safety testing at M1 Engineering’s facility

M1 Engineering’s periodic testing and maintenance of Liquid Hydrogen Vessels includes:

  • Testing and Inspection to ensure compliance to regulatory requirements.
  • Helium leak testing of Pressure Vessel, Piping and Valves.
  • Vacuum Maintenance, including Vacuum Jacketed Piping.
  • Certification to ADR, IMO, TPED and CDG.

In addition to periodic testing and maintenance work, M1 Engineering can refurbish and upgrade existing distribution equipment, including full instrumentation rebuilds and mounting of new axles and suspensions to trailers. The company’s repair expertise is supported by inhouse skills as a manufacturer, to provide full vehicle enhancements and modernisation, and make old units look “As good as new”.

For more information on M1 Engineering’s Repair, Refurbishment and Maintenance Services please contact